Flower Caprese Salad Reproduction

When my friend Clint visited me here in Lebanon, we had lunch at a local Italian restaurant called Olio. They served us a Caprese Salad with Buffalo Mozzarella, served in such a beautiful way, that it looked like a flower.

Since I ate that salad, I had the wish to reproduce the shape, since it was creative and very beautiful to look at.

I have gotten down to it, about a week ago (I know, I know I am late to post it, but I have been very busy).

Although, for my version I used baby mozzarella instead of buffalo mozzarella, which was perfect since my basil leaves were on the smaller side. Without further ado, here is my Flower Caprese…

I also chose a smaller tomato to go with the proportions of my basil and baby mozzarella.

6 thoughts on “Flower Caprese Salad Reproduction

  1. Hi Viviane

    How amazing is this salad. So simple but so tasty. Everything needs to be just right. The perfect mozzarella, ripe but firm tomatoes and only the freshest basil. Have a happy new year and looking forward to seeing more delicious food.



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