Interesting Links and Recipes

I don’t have a recipe today but a bunch of interesting links I came across while fiddling around on Pinterest. I think everyone knows what it is by now, I am on there with content from the Taste-Buds and some of my other interests. You are welcome to check it out.

Now back to what this post is originally intended for.

Click here for a few tricks that might have never crossed your minds but they are so simple that you want to have thought them out yourself.

For those who love cotton candy, here is a drink for you. I thought the idea was interesting enough to share it with our readers. Click on the image for the recipe.

A twist on a common appetizer, that I am willing to try. Follow the image link to get the recipe.

Another idea that is more in season. I can tell you it is a mean way to serve salad. I found it on Pinterest, but the image is linked to the original site with their recipe.

Last but not least: Dessert. Who does not like chocolate? I know they exist, my brother is one of them. I always failed to understand his aversion to chocolate. But if on top of chocolate you like berries, this one is for you.