Potato, Broccoli and Cheese Soup: Recipe from 50 Simple Soups for the Slow Cooker

In my previous post, I promised our readers a recipe from the book I reviewed (50 Simple Soups for the Slow Cooker by Lynn Alley).  I chose to make the Potato, Broccoli and Cheese Soup since I had the ingredients on hand.

It is a very easy and quick soup to make. I did not use the slow cooker, but a good old pot, and we ate it over two days.

The recipe yield mentioned in the book is very accurate, depending on if you are gonna eat it as a side or as a main dish, it does serve four to six.

I did some things differently though, but I kept the soul of recipe there.

I used the same amounts but exchanged the butter (or ghee) for olive oil (that is much healthier).

I used half and half instead of cream, but instead of using it as a garnish, I boiled it with the soup after I pureed the ingredients towards the end.

I kept some of the broccoli florets, broke them into little pieces and added them when I added the half and half.I used frozen broccoli, that I thawed in the microwave for two minutes, which is enough to heat it up and give the effect of light steaming. Depending on your microwave and the quantity,  you might need to increase or decrease the cooking time. Your broccoli needs to be thawed and hot but not mushy.

I also added some salt, pepper and nutmeg to the mix.  I thought the zing of the spices was a great addition to the soup.

You can find the PDF to the recipe here. Enjoy!

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